Comparing GCP Cloud Composer environments with ease !


1 min read

Hey there ! If you need to diff two Cloud Composer environments, this tool is for you.

cloudcomposerdiff is a python command line tool to diff two Cloud Composer environments.

As per the example above, this tool looks at various Cloud Composer environment attributes and diffs them. It shows which attributes have different values across environments, and what those values are. It also shows which attributes have a common value across environments, and what this common value is.

The tool can compare the following attributes of Cloud Composer environments:

  • Cloud Composer image version

  • Airflow configuration overrides

  • PyPI packages

  • Environment variables

When comparing two Cloud Composer environments that share no common attribute values the "matching_value" column will be empty as per the example below.

When comparing two Cloud Composer environments that share common attribute values the "matching_value" column will be populated and the "env_1_value" and "env_2_value" columns will be empty. This is shown in the example below.

Please check out the GitHub repository for instructions on how to use the tool & how to contribute to its future development.